Michigan Dental Hygienists’ Political Action Committee (MDH-PAC)
Taking Action–Together!
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What is the Michigan Dental Hygienists’ Political Action Committee (MDH-PAC)?
The Michigan Dental Hygienists’ Political Action Committee (MDH-PAC) is the only state PAC representing the interests of Michigan Registered Dental Hygienists. MDH-PAC amplifies YOUR voice and enables registered dental hygienists to collectively support representatives who collaborate with us to protect our scope of practice and assist us as we advance our profession.
One way a dental hygienist can “make a difference” is to contribute to the Michigan Dental Hygienists’ Political Action Committee, the MDH-PAC. Our PAC has a sound reputation, attends functions where we have access to legislative leadership and where we are recognized for those good legislative deeds we have accomplished. Money is contributed to the campaigns of select Michigan Senators and Representatives, both Republicans and Democrats. Giving money opens doors for us. It will allow us to educate legislators about dental hygienists. Legislation has been passed authorizing us to administer local anesthetic and nitrous oxide analgesia, PA161, and our education into law not rule. Please donate to the PAC so we can continue protecting and moving our profession forward.