MDHA Legislative Luncheon

MDHA Legislative Luncheon in Lansing, MI. Location: Mackinac Room in the House Office Building

Macomb CE Event – “Motivational Interviewing”

Join Macomb District Dental Hygienists’ Society for a 2 CEU opportunity on May 13, 2015 from 6pm-9pm. Click Here: MDDHS Seminar Registration Form 5-13-15 Presenting: Amanda Slawter Territory Manager for Proctor and Gamble Crest/Oral B Representative Objectives: Describe the roles of ambivalence and patient engagement in patient oral health behavior. Describe the primary differences between traditional patient education and a patient-centered approach aimed at behavior change. Identify which clinical cases have shown positive responses from brief motivational interviewing (MI) in oral health. Describe the fundamental spirit, guiding principles and strategies of Brief MI. Recall the basic strategies of brief MI skills as demonstrated in the video segments. The Seminar will take place at the Italian American Cultural Society and dinner will be served. Costs: ADHA Members = $30 RDA/CDA = $30 Non-Members = $55 Students = $10