Special Olympics Special Smiles-Volunteer Opportunity

Central Michigan University 1200 S Franklin St, Mt Pleasant

Special Smiles will be screening athletes during Summer Games, held at Central Michigan University in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan on: Friday June 3, 2016 and Saturday June 4, 2016.  Volunteers will provide basic screening exams and oral hygiene instruction.  Screening is quick and easy; training is provided before seeing athletes.  Volunteers are also needed for registration, as patient guides, for data entry, and to wear the Tooth Fairy costume and encourage athletes to participate in Smiles.  Special Smiles will screen athletes on Friday June 3, 2016 from 9am to 4pm and Saturday June 4, 2016 from 9am to 12:00pm.  Volunteers need to arrive by 8am each day. Approximately 600 athletes will be screened in two days; Approximately 500 are screened on Friday. We especially need dentists and dental hygienists on Friday, June 3, 2016, our full day  Screening takes place in the Indoor Athletic Complex (IAC) Turf Bay, located behind the Kelly-Shorts Stadium.  Free parking is in the lot behind the stadium.  Dress is casual, please dress for comfort. "Smiles" tee-shirts are provided to Smiles volunteers.  Special Olympics provides (free) complimentary meals for volunteers at the food tent, located in the parking lot behind the football stadium.  As a Smiles volunteer you are eligible for dinner Thursday night, breakfast, dinner and lunch provided on Friday, and breakfast and lunch on Saturday. Thanks! Karen Roth Email kmkjroth@toast.net or home phone (517) 333-2569 or cell (517) 803-5081 Special Olympics Special Smiles Flyer -June 2016