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CBD and the use of Medicinal Cannabinoids
LeFave Pharmacy and Compounding, 1202 W. Chisholm St., Alpena LeFave Pharmacy and Compounding, 1202 W. Chisholm St., Alpena, AlpenaCBD and the use of Medicinal Cannabinoids The use of cannabinoid therapy to treat various conditions including pain, is on the rise. What is also on the rise are questions about what it is being used for, how to find quality products and the difference between CBD and THC. In this class we will go over the hemp and marijuana plants, the medicinal cannabinoids they produce, and when to include them in your treatment plan. SUPERIOR SUNRISE DENTAL HYGIENISTS’ ASSOCIATION presents two light lunch and learn continuing education opportunities Location: LeFave Pharmacy and Compounding, 1202 W. Chisholm St., Alpena Time: 12:00 - 1:00 PM 1 CE Cost: $20 FREE for SSDHA members RSVP to superiorsunrisedentalhygiene@gmail.com - seating is limited