Fall 2019 Newswire
MDHA 2018-2019 OfficersPresident: Becky Domagalski MDHA 2018-2019 ComponentTrustees: |
Update from LARA:
Just an update on renewing your dental hygiene license, LARA is moving to a new online licensing and regulatory database for health and occupational professions. The new system is called Michigan Professional Licensing User System or MIPLUS. For more information please check out the MDHA website under the news tab, or follow it at: https://www.michigan.gov/lara/0,4601,7-154-89334_72600_85566—,00.html Update from MDHHS: Michigan Department of Health and Human Services recently released at statement regarding mandated reporting for child abuse and neglect. For more information please check out the MDHA website under the news tab, or follow it at: https://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/0,5885,7-339-73971_7119_50648_44443—,00.html Education Council Council Chair: Iwonka Eagle Educational Council Report The Educational Council has been very busy obtaining speakers for the 2019 Annual House of Delegates CE session. We have been looking for sessions that will educate Michigan Dental Hygienists about their own health and well-being as well as educate them about progressive preventive procedures. We are proud to announce the HOD lineup October 18, 2019 are have Mike Stack, Exercise Physiologist and Dr. Margherita Fontana. Register here at: https://www.mdhatoday.org/event/mdha-house-of-delegates-2019/ We are looking into lots of exciting topics for the 2020 session as well, and are now discussing sponsorship for a phenomenal and engaging speaker we think everyone will enjoy! As always, all ideas and suggestions are welcome. |
Legislative Council
Council Chair: Jan Miller and Vickie Yahn
Please join us at the next MDH PCA Event on October 18, 2019 at SCHMOHZ BREWERY, located a crossed the street from the Grand Rapids Double Tree Hotel at:
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2600 Patterson Ave SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546
To register please fill out the form between the arrows and send check to MDH PAC: Acuitas 110 W Michigan Ave Ste 100 Lansing MI 48933
If you cannot make this event, please consider a donation to the PAC. There is a link available at mdhatoday.org for donations. We support those legislators who share our concerns for increased access to care and advancing the profession of dental hygiene. Thank you
Save the Date:MDHA House of Delegates October 18th-20th, 2019 Michigan Association of Dental Hygiene Education Conference Friday November 1st, 2019 ADHA 2020 ANNUAL CONFERENCE T-Shirt FundraiserOrder today on the link below: |
Public Health Council Council Chair: Elizabeth Pitts Finance Council Council Chair: Beth Chislea Membership Council Council Chair: Samantha Mishler Councils are always looking for new members!! |
Michigan Dental Hygienists’ Association
Proudly Announces
A Multidiscipline Approach to Head and Neck Cancers
Presented by the
Henry Ford Hospital Institute Head and Neck Cancer Team
6 hours – 6 CE
Friday, October 6, 2017 8am-2:30pm
Bavarian Inn
Frankenmuth, MI
Course Overview:
Oral Cavity Cancer
Although cancers of the head and neck region only account for five percent of all cancers reported yearly in the human body, 30 percent of these cancers occur in the oral cavity. That is roughly 22,000 new cases per year if cancers of the lip are not included. Between 6000 and 7000 deaths per year occur because of oral cavity cancer. Cancers of the oral cavity left untreated can have devastating effects on critical life functions for people who have this disease. The oral cavity cancer diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation is challenging because there are many different types of tissue located in this relatively small area and this area has numerous functions (speech, mastication, swallow, cosmesis).
The choice of treatment and rehabilitation must take into account the potential loss of function in this area. A well-coordinated multidisciplinary team is required to provide optimal cancer treatment outcomes and survivorship. The objective of this symposium will be to review all aspects of oral cavity cancer diagnosis, treatments and rehabilitation with presentations from all disciplines involved. Specific attention will be paid to the diagnostic difficulties of oral cavity lesions, cutting edge treatments of challenging cases and how to optimize the rehabilitation of these patients.