March 2014 Newswire
I am thinking spring. This has been a long relentless winter, but the end is near. As always in spring there is a rebirth, the weather breaks and foliage starts to grow. I feel much the same way. It is exhilarating. We have many opportunities coming up in the next couple of months for all of us to take advantage of. The Spirit of Michigan meeting in Grand Rapids, our Legislative Luncheon, and submitting PR’s to your delegates to take to ADHA. It is our time, to grow and develop our professional skills, make our voices heard, frame our future and the future of the MDHA.
The Spirit of Michigan Meeting is being held this year in Grand Rapids, April 30 through May 3rd. This is a wonderful opportunity to get your needed continuing education credits in an amazing environment. The entire dental team is involved and there is programing for everyone. Not only is it an exceptional opportunity for learning but also for professional networking. Come and participate, also see what Grand Rapids has to offer. I am a bit partial, but this is an incredible city. Grand Rapids and the Gold Coast were listed as one of the top 10 cities to visit. Make the most of your time during your stay.
Legislative luncheon is being held on May 7th in Lansing at the Anderson House Office Building in the Mackinac room. We are planning a 1 ceu opportunity in the morning prior to the luncheon presented by our newly hired lobbyist, Sarah Hubbard from Acuitas. We are excited to have her deliver an informative presentation on how to speak to your legislators and making our voices heard. Not only will you get a free ceu but also lunch and the opportunity to speak to your legislator. When you RSVP, please contact your legislators and let them know that you are planning on attending and are looking forward to speaking with them. Include your home address on your email or letter so they realize that you are a constituent. That does make a difference. It is a great day, come and experience it for yourself. I hope to see you there.
The MDHA delegates to ADHA are currently preparing for the Annual session in Las Vegas. Michigan has a reputation at the national level. We as part of District V are considered a respected voice to be heard. Currently, Michigan has five proposed resolution to be submitted. The District may have more however I have not seen them yet. Personally, I have submitted a few PR’s rescinding those written in a negative manner and reworded them in a positive format. I believe that positive statements bring about positive responses. If you feel strongly about a position that we as an association should have on record, please submit your ideas to your delegates. They are Cheryl Bentley, Kathy Mielke, Allison Restuari, Melanie Colbert, Barb LaLonde, and alternate delegates Jennifer Suminski and Marge Buehner. We would appreciate your thoughts. This is your opportunity to make your voice heard, framing your future and framing the future of MDHA. Together we can do this.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cheryl Bentley, RDH
MDHA President
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Read the entire March 2014 Newswire.