Advertise With Us
Would your business like to reach out to engaged, enthusiastic, CONNECTED dental hygienists from all over the state of Michigan?
Advertise on!
We have three options to advertise on our website:
- Banner with or without a hyperlink
- Seminar Advertising
- Job Posting
Banner Ads
A Banner can be static or linked to the advertisers home page. You can use your corporate art or we can make something up with text. We can attach a hyperlink to your advertisement so people can link to your site.
Seminar Advertising
You can advertise your seminar on the Monthly Events Calendar. We can add a hyperlink to your website or have the registration form attached to the seminar date.
Job Posting
Job postings are a great way for dental offices to place employment opportunities and find the right fit for any openings they have within the office. These advertisements appear in the members-section of the website. This guarantees that you will not only have exclusive access to the specific focus group of professional dental hygienists but also quality, dedicated professionals who take their careers seriously.
Still not convinced?
With the options of the Banner Ad or the Seminar Advertising, your information will also be posted in our Newswire FOR FREE!!!
Our Newswire goes out to more than 1500 Dental Hygienists every other month!
For more information or to submit an advertisement, see our Purchase agreement.
(Purchase Agreement Approved by MDHA BOT 05/13)
Thank you for supporting the Michigan Dental Hygienists’ Association and also allowing us the opportunity to serve you!