January 2017 Newswire
![]() MDHA 2016-17 OfficersPresident: Vickie Yahn President Elect: Jan Miller Vice President: Becky Domalgalski Immediate Past President: Allison Restauri Treasurer: Beth Chislea Speaker of the House: Marge Buehner Delegates to ADHA: Vickie Yahn, Jan Miller, Becky Domalgaski, Beth Chislea, Danielle Derwoed Association Administrator: Joyce Losen joyce@mdhatoday.org Lobbying Firm: Acuitas Sarah Hubbard shubbard@acuitasllc.com |
We continue to answer your request for face to face continuing educational events. In collaboration with Northland Component, a phenomenal offering has been scheduled in Traverse City on March, 18, 2017. Specific details are forthcoming. MDHA has again joined with MDA to present a quality experience at the Spirit of Michigan from April 26-29, 2017 at Devos Place in Grand Rapids. Plan to attend with your friends for both the educational and social opportunities of the Annual Session. Your Education Council has been busy. There will be another continuing education offering in collaboration with the Superior Sunrise Component on September 23, 2017. Watch for more information about this event. ADHA Annual Conference information has been released. This year’s event is in Jacksonville, FL from June 14-19, 2017. Plan to attend with a group of friends. It is always a great experience.
I wish you a wonderful 2017. I hope that we will all continue to work together to better the profession of Dental Hygiene in this new year. Remember that “YOU ARE KEY”!
Professionally yours,
Vickie L. Yahn, RDH
MDHA President
MDHA Component Trustees
Capital Region: Mary Ellen Sickles rmsickles@comcast.net East Shore: Nancy Balaj nbalaj32@gmail.com Grand Shores: Traci Beals tracifloss2002@yahoo.com Greater Detroit: Danielle Rauch daniellerauch@me.com Great Lakes Bay: Stacy Priem priemiumrdh@aol.com Northland: Erica Dopp rdh.erica@gmail.com South Central: Stacey Schramm schramms@kellogg.edu Southwest: Eve Sidney sidneyej@gmail.com Superior Sunrise: Becky Nunneley patzerbe@hotmail.com |
If you are currently not an MDHA member, we invite you to join and become an active participant in one of these components! Visit our website, www.mdhatoday.org for a membership application! |
Education CouncilThe Council is finalizing seminar details on a Head and Neck Cancer Symposium presented by Dr. Steven Chang and the Henry Ford Hospital H&N Team that will be held Saturday, March 18 at the Hagerty Center in Traverse City. This has already generated a great deal of interest in the dental and medical communities, and will fill up fast. Watch the MDHA website, www.mdhatoday.org, for registration and hotel information. A Multidiscipline approach to Head and Neck Cancers
Public Health CouncilThe Public Health Council has been working hard to provide MDHA members with quality resources covering a wide range of public health topics. They have completed an excellent PA161 power point presentation, which is available for use. They hope to bring this to dental and dental hygiene students, but the information is pertinent to anyone with an interest in a PA161 program. Please contact Susan Deming, Council Chair, at demings@michigan.gov for further information. |
Component NewsCaptial RegionCapital Region Dental Hygienists Association (C-RDH) After Central and Genesee merged one of our biggest obstacles was communicating with each other. The creation of the C-RDH website and a Facebook page seemed the answer. Our board voted to close the website as of December 2016. We continue to encourage hygienists to join our Facebook page. Our component has the Dorothy Below Lesher scholarship that is made available to Lansing Community College and Mott Community College seniors. One or more students receive amounts from $500-1500 each at a dinner meeting we hold in February. We host a spring seminar held in East Lansing in April. We participate in Miles for Smiles and like to volunteer for a project every year. Last year we made dinner and served it at a Lansing homeless shelter. We made a few Saturday breakfasts for the kids that included a few crafts also. In December we like to have a fun get together where we chose different activities like painting or yoga.
Follow us on Facebook at Capital Region Dental Hygienists where you can find details to all events are posted. Any questions or great idea sharing appreciated: president@c-rdh.org
We’ve built this just for you! Thursday, April 27 Strive 2 Quit: Tobacco Cessation (Course #5) RDHs need Laser Focus (Course #18) Friday, April 28 Have Your Dentist Saying: “I Have the Best Hygienist Ever” and You Saying “I Work in the Best Office Ever” (Course 26) Periodontal Disease: Classification and Non-Surgical Treatment for the Registered Dental Hygienist (Course #37) Saturday, April 29 Understanding Bleeding Disorders (Course #47) Systemic Effects of the Traveling Oral Microbiome and Periodontal Treatment (Course #49)
GRAND RAPIDS PLAY AND STAY RAFFLE! $800 VALUE! 300 TICKETS TO BE SOLD – $10 EACH DESIGN YOUR GETAWAY! DRAWING TO BE HELD ON April 28 (need not be present) SEE YOUR TRUSTEE FOR TICKETS! LEARN from the best – with 30 hands-on sessions and 26 unique seminars led by top educators and practitioners. Max session time is now two hours! ENGAGE with a full schedule of activities, packed exhibit hall, a 5K Fun Run/Walk and tons of swag! ADVANCE with more CE opportunities than any other conference! Find the schedule for the sessions here Register before February 17 to get the best rates! Use code ENGAGE 17 for a 10% discount on early registration!
From District V Trustee Sharlee Burch Hello everyone! I wanted to take a moment to write and let you know that ADHA District 5 Student Delegate applications are now being accepted. The deadline is February 17, 2017! Feel free to email me with any questions! Sharlee Sharlee Burch, RDH, MPH, EdD
2017 Awards – Nominations Due February 1, 2017 ADHA offers several awards to recognize excellence and contributions all while helping members attend the Annual Conference in Jacksonville. Award applications are now available and are due February 1, 2017. This is your chance to be recognized by your colleagues for your work and dedication to dental hygiene. All awardees are recognized at the Annual Conference, in Access Magazine and in social media. Awards are given in the following categories: Clinician Awards, Community Awards, Educator Awards, Membership Awards, Student Awards, Research Awards |